He’s Moving!

In Exodus 33 there is a scene where God tells the people of Israel to go into the promised land.  He even says that He will send an angel ahead of them to clear the way.  But, He also says that He will not go with them.

Moses gives the right response in saying that if God doesn’t go with them, they will not move because it is God’s presence in their midst that distinguishes them from all other people on the face of the earth.

That has been my cry as I have gone through the years of barreness, where no doors have opened.  No promises have come true.

But that begs the question, what if He moves while I’m waiting.

See, I want to lead the way, praying that God opens the door for me to pursue my dreams and aspirations.  But, what if His presence in my life moves to something I didn’t dream of, or even see coming?  What if He leads to a new church, a new job, a different ministry and the only thing I know is that His presence is no longer in the midst of what I am doing?

This is not easy to see because my flesh, my own will gets in the way so much.  I hear my heart in rebellion against Godly leadership.  I feel my impatience and know my propensity for charging blindly “where angels fear to tread.”

That’s why I’ve been waiting.

But, right now, in this season that I’m entering, I sense God calling me forward.  “Come with me,” He says.  And I find I’m just as fearful of moving as I was of not being allowed to move.

And, I think I might not be alone.

Do you sense God moving to an area you are uncomfortable with?  A calling you have been afraid to pursue?  A relinquishing of control?

I see it in the church, not just my church, but The Church.  He is calling us out of a defensive posture, out of trying to justify our King, out of making excuses for why He does what He does.  He is calling us out to move in miraculous ways, to believe for more, to be a voice for truth and justice and life.

He is moving.

And I’m going with Him.

One thought on “He’s Moving!

  1. Faith Christophel

    Great truth there, Brother. Walk with God. Look to Him for everything, for He is our All in All. I love you.

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